Get into a workout routine with our top tips for success!

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Motivation helps you get started. But it’s routine that keeps you going when things get tough. Let’s take the next step and help you get into a workout routine with these tips.

Everyone knows that one person. Despite their busy schedule, they manage to have a workout routine and a social life. Exercising in the morning before work, a jog during their lunch break 3 times a week: many people don’t have to struggle to find time for a fitness plan. Routines mean you don’t have to make a choice between the couch or exercise.

Working out doesn’t turn into a routine overnight. On average, it takes 60 days before a new habit is fully formed and doesn’t take extra effort. Until then, you’ve got to grit your teeth and keep going.

Make Your Goals Visible

In our stressful daily lives between family, friends, and careers, goals can take a back seat. Therefore, in order to get into a workout routine, it’s essential that you stay motivated and reminded of your goals for your health and fitness.

Visualize your goal. It doesn’t matter whether you write it out in big letters or print some pictures, it’s just important that it’s always in front of you. So put it somewhere you’ll see it frequently.

Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself

It’s enough to get started by changing just one habit at a time. We often want to change everything all at once when we decide to start meeting our health and fitness goals. This takes a lot of strength and discipline, and isn’t much fun. Change one habit at a time, celebrate small successes, listen to your body, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Editors’ tip: It’s not a good idea to change your diet completely from one day to the next. Nevertheless, the right nutrition is crucial for your health and a successful fitness plan. For normal muscle growth, your body needs enough protein and a calorie surplus, in addition to the right kind of exercise. A protein shake after your workout is the fastest way to give your muscles exactly what they need.

A glass of banana-flavored Whey Protein shake next to a jar of oats, a bunch of bananas and two sticks of cinnamon

Check out our Whey Protein now

Get into the Groove

In order for exercise to become a habit, it’s important you do it regularly. Everybody knows that it’s often much harder to get back into the groove after you take a break from working out.

This doesn’t mean that you have to start exercising 7 days per week now. Your muscles need time to recover and grow anyway. But you shouldn’t take more than 2 days off, because otherwise you’ll lose momentum again and your motivation will fade away.

Connect Good Feelings to Working Out

Think about how you feel after physical activity. Exhausted but proud? Maybe even happy because you overcame the voice inside that said you should stay on the couch? Remember this positive post-workout feeling.

The next time you have a day when you find it especially hard to motivate yourself to start exercising, think about the positive after-effect and reassure yourself that you’ll feel proud and happy again this time.

Start With Something You Enjoy

Begin your training with an exercise that you like. This makes it easier for you to start working out and then you’ll have positive associations with exercise. The more positive connections you have, the easier it is to make sure it’ll become a real workout routine.

Don’t know what kind of physical activity you feel like doing? On our workout page you’ll find lots of inspiration and free workouts that fit your needs and fitness level.

Three white people do a plank in a gym - working together to get into a workout routine

Get started here!

A Little Is Better Than Nothing

Sometimes feel too tired to do your workout right? It’s okay, that happens to everyone. If your energy levels are too low for your full workout, take it easy and do a HIIT workout for 10 minutes or less instead. That way you’ll still burn plenty of calories, and keep burning more calories after your workout thanks to the afterburn effect.


  • A new habit takes about 60 days to become routine.
  • Combine the new habit with positive feelings to make it easier for yourself.
  • Keep your goal in mind every day.
  • It’s better to do a short workout than nothing at all to reinforce your fitness routine.

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