How I Established a Healthy Morning Routine After a Vacation

The first lesson I learned? It takes time.
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Routine mattutina sana © foodspring

As a fitness editor and trainer at foodspring, you might think I always lead an active lifestyle and have a healthy routine. Of course, that’s what I try to do! Luckily, I’m surrounded by a bunch of like-minded people (and lots of protein shakes and bars) at the office. But even I occasionally deviate from my good habits, such as exercising regularly and eating vegetables every day. Don’t worry, this is completely normal and it’s part of a balanced lifestyle.

At the beginning of September, I went on holiday. Three weeks off did me the world of good. I didn’t have a set schedule, I just drifted, acted spontaneously and lost all sense of time. Most of the time I didn’t even know what day of the week it was. When you’re on vacation, every day feels like Sunday! Breaking away from fixed routines for a while feels liberating. But after the vacation, I was ready to resume my habits. After all, fixed routines also have positive results. They’re the little rituals that help us structure our day, making it more stress-free and productive. That’s why I decided to establish a healthy morning routine to help me get back into the swing of things.

Related: 5 morning rituals yogis do every day

There’s a good reason why your morning routine is so special: it takes place when you still have the whole day ahead of you. Instead of frantically starting the day, a morning routine offers a little calm in the chaos. This, in turn, can have a positive effect on the rest of the day and on your mood. I consciously make time for myself in the morning. I organize my thoughts and plan out what I need to do.

Each of us has a different morning routine and that’s a good thing. It’s important to do what works for you and what’s good for you. Here’s my healthy morning routine for the next few weeks:

Set My Alarm Clock

I set my alarm roughly 30 minutes earlier than usual so I don’t have to rush through my morning routine.

After getting up, I drink a large glass of water and take 2 Omega-3 capsules. It’s important to keep your body hydrated so that it can keep at full speed throughout the day – especially after a sleep. Since I don’t eat fish every day, I take Omega-3 capsules to provide my body with these important nutrients.* If I take my supplements in the morning, I can’t forget later!

A Supple Start to the Day

Next, I put on my leggings, unroll my non-slip Luviyo yoga mat and take 10 to 15 minutes doing some yoga practice. According to traditional yoga philosophy, our mind is still calm in the morning and not burdened with the thoughts of everyday life. That’s why mornings are the perfect time to practice yoga poses, or asanas, or to meditate. A gentle yoga flow also gets your circulation going and mobilizes the joints. I like to do the sun salutation and then hold a certain asana such as the triangle pose for a while so that I really feel the pose and get into it. Immediately after I get up, my joints feel a little stiff, so I use a yoga block for support. Lastly, I meditate for 3 minutes.

Fuel Up

Before I leave for the office, I prepare a quick and easy healthy breakfast. Usually I like to eat quark with some fruit and a few walnuts. I take my time while eating and sit at the table. Then it’s off to work.

My Conclusion After One Month

Establishing a healthy morning routine takes more time and energy than I expected. Some days my yoga practice has felt like too much, so all I did was meditate or complete a few breathing exercises on the mat. In short, I did something instead of nothing so that I could start to get into the routine. The more often I practiced a yoga flow, the easier the routine felt. According to a previous study by the University College London, it takes 66 days for new routines to become automatic. So it’s only fair to give yourself some time and not put too much pressure on yourself.

What I found most valuable was the time I consciously took for myself in the morning. Sitting on the yoga mat and being in the moment has helped me start my day with more serenity, instead of being stressed out by everything I have to do. I feel more balanced and will definitely keep my new morning routine. After you get up, integrate a few small rituals that work for you. Start small and work your way up, step by step. With a little patience, you’ll soon find that a healthy morning routine pays off.

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*DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function & vision. This positive effect is achieved through a daily intake of 250mg of DHA.

**Protein contributes to the maintenance and increase of muscle mass and the maintenance of normal bones.

***Vitamin B5, vitamin B12 and vitamin C help reduce tiredness and fatigue.

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