7 Tips on Combining Fitness Goals and Everyday Family Life

Your children let off steam in the playground, so why shouldn't you get active too?
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Der Vater trägt seinen Sohn auf dem Rücken und haltet die Plank ©Victor Dyomin

When it comes to work, family, and sport, balancing all three is not easy at all. Many parents still want to exercise when they have a family, whether it’s to cope with stress, have a little downtime, or reach that feel-good weight. But when time is running out for work, family, and exercise – the three major life areas – the last one is usually the first to be neglected. But that doesn’t have to be the case. With a little planning and help from your loved ones, it is possible to balance family and fitness goals. Your exercise routine may not look exactly the same as it did before you started a family, but the fittest of families have a secret: Things can actually be even better this way.

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#1 Find a Gym With Childcare

Some gyms have thought about what parents need and provide childcare. That’s great, because it means your kids are close by, have lots to keep them busy, and you can work out in peace. The only drawback is that most childcare services require children to be at least kindergarten age and are only available at certain times. But once you’ve found a suitable gym, you can certainly find a time slot.

# 2 Get Fit With the Kids

Children love exercise. So why not simply do sport with them? It works at any age, even with babies. There are special classes where you learn to use your baby as a “weight” for training. This usually makes the little ones laugh and lets you build up a sweat. And, of course, there are also sports you can do with the stroller or wearing the front baby carrier.

Later, you can jog and let your child ride alongside you. And in the meantime, there are some great running strollers. Just make sure you pack enough snacks and games, or you’ll have to cut your workout short. Be creative and think about how you can compromise between a good kid activity and your own exercise. More ideas:

  • Play football, handball, basketball or something similar together
  • Visit a climbing or bouldering wall (children can usually climb better than adults due to their strength to weight ratio)
  • Try an obstacle course, fitness trail, or parkour
  • Move like animals (hopping like a frog, walking like a duck, galloping like a horse)
  • Find yoga sessions for children and parents
  • Go dancing (also works with children’s songs)
  • Break out the hula hoop or jump rope
  • Attempt acroyoga (sometimes offered in order to strengthen the parent-child relationship)

# 3 Create a Home Gym

Working out at home saves valuable time and makes your workout flexible. Use the time when the little ones are asleep, or at daycare or school. Some parents even build a small gym with equipment in the basement for this purpose, but this is not absolutely necessary.

Your home gym can also be a nearby park or garden.  And the entire family can join in too!

# 4 See Your Family as a Strong Team

If your family has two parents, then scheduling in everyday life and fitness is naturally a little easier. Communicate clearly and coordinate when each person gets some time off. Both parents should be entitled to a short break, because otherwise you’re bound to get exhausted or even experience burnout. Sport is an outlet for many, so make sure you support each other in finding time for it.

If you’re a single parent, you can set up a strong team with grandparents, friends, or other parents. Or find a workout partner who is also a single parent. You can take turns spending an hour at the gym and an hour with the kids. Plus, you’ll be helping other single parents – so everyone wins.

# 5 Build Fitness into Everyday Life

If you’re on the go a lot in your everyday life, you can save yourself a workout or two. You can go for incredibly long walks with a bay. If you’re walking at a brisk pace, that counts as exercise. No more sitting on the bench at the playground and drinking coffee – instead, you can walk on the spot, jump rope, or do squats without taking your eyes off your child.

Building exercise into everyday life, such as biking to work or taking the stairs, is also part of this. Of course, you can’t do that with a stroller. During this period, many of us get used to heading for the convenient elevator. As soon as your child can walk, you have to actively break the habit and consciously choose the stairs. For some families, a dog can also be a motivating factor for more everyday exercise, as you then have to go out several times a day. Perfect for a short jog or a brisk walk. It’s more fitness for you and the kids enjoy it a lot too.

#6 Train Smart Instead of Hour-Long Sessions

If you were used to exercising for almost two hours a day before starting a family, you’ll have to cut corners, so you need a time-saving workout. These tips can help you:

  • Do complex exercises: always work several muscles at the same time
  • Take an active break, such as running at an easy pace between exercises
  • Train in supersets
  • Cut back on chatting in the changing room and the like
  • Only use your cell phone (no distractions)
  • Set fixed training and time goals
  • EMS training

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# 7 Get Active on Weekends with the Family

After a busy week,of course it’s tempting to have a movie day on the couch on Sunday. But that’s not good for your fitness goals or your kids’ health. If you get active on weekends, you’ll make much more intensive use of your time together and create great memories. We’ve got some ideas for sport-filled weekend getaways with the whole family:

Surely, you and your family have many more ideas that suit you and your goals.

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*Proteins help you maintain and build muscle.

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