How to Make Running Fun in 7 Tips

Never be bored again!
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Eine Frau joggt draußen ©Catherine Falls Commercial

Have you always found running boring or hard to stick to? Then you probably haven’t figured out how to make the most of your routine. Our tips will help you find that motivation to hit the pavement and reach your training goals. Our Energy Aminos help make sure you won’t run out of power. Simply mix, shake, and drink before your run — and off you go with maximum energy.

#1 Start slowly

If you’ve had a long break from running or are starting from scratch, don’t overdo it right away. Hardly anything’s more frustrating in a workout than wanting too much too fast and then having to give up after ten minutes because you have side stitches.

A better idea instead: set a goal, for example, to walk quickly for about 30 minutes at a time, and on the second day to walk twice for 10 minutes and jog for 10 minutes without a break. Here you will find a training plan to be able to walk for 30 minutes at a time.  You’ll notice that after a few weeks your body start getting used to the new load and you’ll be able to gradually increase your workload and training performance, which will give you an extra motivational boost.

#2 Schedule fixed training days

A lot of things in life are easier with structure, including regular running sessions. So, help yourself by planning fixed training days in the week, just like you might schedule other appointments, and writing them down in your calendar to hold yourself to them.

As soon as you have a structure to your daily training routine, it’s easier for you to outsmart your inner slacker and just start running – no matter the weather or time of day. After all, you wouldn’t skip scheduled dates with friends, would you?

#3 Make a date to run

Speaking of which, many runners find it boring and demotivating to run alone. If you’re struggling to keep up with your routine on your own, why not arrange to go jogging with some sports-minded friends or find a running group in your area?

An advantage: Having fixed appointments quickly leads to having a routine (see above). And if you have something in the books, you’re less likely to cancel, since you won’t want to let down your friends and teammates. So, you’ll benefit twice over, because you’ll have more fun jogging and are more likely to keep up your training regularly.

Tip: Run at a tempo where you can still have a relaxed conversation with each other- this is the perfect running pace and prevents side stitching.

#4 Listen to music or podcasts

When you’re running, are you only concentrating on the fact that your legs keep feeling heavier and heavier, or are you counting down the remaining kilometers until you can stop? Our favorite tip: distract yourself with some music or a podcast.

Put together a jogging playlist at home that consists of motivating, high-energy songs, depending on your musical taste. And choose some music that might be suitable for your warm-up or cool-down, too.

A study published at Brunel University London even found out how certain tempos, measured in beats per minute (bpm), make more sense to listen to at certain exercise intensities. According to researchers, songs with 125 to 140 bpm are best for higher intensities. For slow and relaxed jogging, a bpm number of 100 to 120 is sufficient to keep the beat going.

You can search for great music for your workout on YouTube, for example, or on the music service of your choice. There are playlists specially compiled for fitness that are based on speed, duration, intensity, and type of exercise.

As an alternative to music, you can also listen to an exciting podcast that will distract you from ruminating about how many more miles you have ahead of you until you reach the finish line.

#5 Change the route

If you run the same route all the time, don’t be surprised if you stop finding jogging fun and start finding it a bit monotonous. After all, if you’ve seen every park bench, every streetlight and every tree several times – it can get boring!

But you don’t have to be an explorer forging new paths every time you go out for a run. It’s enough variation just to discover new paths once a week.

So instead of running your usual route, just turn down a street earlier, explore a nearby park, or find out about beautiful running routes in your neighborhood.

Even if you run your usual route the other way around, this signals variety to your brain and you’ll immediately enjoy jogging more.

#6 Know your “why”

Ask yourself why you actually run. Do you want to clear your head after a hard day, or lose weight, or train for your first 5k race, your next marathon, or another running event?

As soon as you realize this, it’ll be much easier for you to stay on the ball. Achievable goals can motivate you and if you’re sure of yourself, you’ll have much more fun and, moreover, the drive to get there.

But try to be realistic about these goals, otherwise you’ll just end up frustrated. It takes longer than two weeks to reach your desired figure or compete in a marathon, but you are on a very good path!

Read more: 10 Foolproof Ways to Reach Your Goals

If you want to lose weight through running training, our Shape Shake 2.0* can support you. It works as a meal replacement or accompanies you on your weight loss journey as part of a balanced diet.

#7 Get the right clothes

Have you ever been caught in the rain just minutes after you step outside for your run? Pretty annoying to get soaked when you still have to make it all the way home.

So, in order not to let the weather rain on your parade, you should be sure to wear running clothes that are seasonally appropriate. Look for breathable, functional clothing that wicks outside moisture and ensures that your body doesn’t cool down when you sweat. Running jackets and running pants with a thermal function keep you warm in fall and winter and reliably protect you, because they also wick moisture away from the body.

Read more: How to find the right running shoes.

More things to know from foodspring:

*Weight loss with Shape Shake 2.0: Replacing two daily meals with one Shape Shake 2.0 each contributes to weight loss as part of a low-calorie diet. Replacing one meal helps you maintain your weight. The product fulfills the intended purpose only in the context of a low-calorie diet. A low-calorie diet must also include other foods. Be sure to drink enough fluids every day. Ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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