Intense 30-Minute Routine for Full-Body Functional Fitness

A bodyweight circuit with real-world applications. Train on different planes of movement for strength, agility, and injury prevention.
icon max. 30 min
©Brandon Colbert Photography
A bodyweight circuit with real-world applications. Train on different planes of movement for strength, agility, and injury prevention.


This intense 30-minute routine is a full-body workout for experts. It trains all your large muscle groups, strengthens and builds your muscles.

The workout is based on the classic muscle building system. Depending which muscles are being targeted, you’ll do between 10 and 20 repetitions of each exercise. The exercises are organized in sets. Do all the sets of one exercise (there are 7 in total) before moving on to the next exercise. This is called station training. After each set, take a break of up to 60 seconds. When you have completed all of the sets in one exercise, move on to the next one.

The last exercise is a hold exercise that you should hold for 60 seconds. If the elbow plank is too easy for you, you can do a plank on your hands or a military plank. The clapping push-ups can also be switched out for diamond push-ups. Always make sure that your movement stays clean and controlled and keep your body firm.

Warm up well before you start training! Have fun with our workout.

  • 1

    Air Squats

    This foodspring video shows you how to do air squats correctly. Squats are some of the most effective exercises to work on your leg muscles. The glutes and other muscles in your backside also benefit from this exercise. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and turn your toes slightly towards the outside. Bring the back of your thighs down behind you and your arms to the front. Only go low enough that you can keep tension in your back. Use the strength of your legs to push yourself back up to standing.

  • 2

    Lunges Around The World

    Dieses foodspring Video zeigt dir die richtige Ausführung von Lunges Around the World. Diese Variante des Lunge vereint den Schritt nach vorn, zur Seite, nach hinten und schräg zur Seite nach hinten. Du startest in der Ausgangsposition mit einem Schritt nach vorn. Dann gehst du zurück, stellst den Fuß kurz ab und gehst direkt in den Side Lunge. Drücke dich mit dem Bein wieder ab und gehe kurz in die Ausgangsposition. Anschließend machst du einen Reverse Lunge gerade nach hinten und gehst zurück in die Startposition. Abschließend folgt ein Schritt schräg nach hinten, so als würdest du beide Beine überkreuzen. Danach gehst du zurück und startest du mit dem anderen Bein.

  • 3

    Single Leg Glute Bridges [R]

    This foodspring video shows you how to do Single Leg Glute Bridges (right side) correctly. The single-leg glute bridges are an advanced form of the classic glute bridge. They target your glutes, hamstrings and lower back. Lie on your back with your knees in the air and feet flat on the floor. Straighten your left leg up into the air. Now push your pelvis upwards into the air. Make sure your hips stay straight. Slowly lower your pelvis again.

  • 4

    Single Leg Glute Bridges [L]

    This foodspring video shows you how to do single leg glute bridges (left side) correctly. The single-leg glute bridges are an advanced form of the classic glute bridge. They target your glutes, hamstrings and lower back. Lie on your back with your knees in the air and feet flat on the floor. Straighten your right leg up into the air. Now push your pelvis upwards into the air. Make sure your hips stay straight. Slowly lower your pelvis again.

  • 5

    Clapping Push-Ups

    This foodspring video shows you how to do clapping push-ups correctly.rnrnStart in the same position as for classic push-ups. Bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the floor. When you reach the lowest point in your range of motion, push explosively upwards. As soon as your arms leave the floor, move your hands together to reach a clap as you reach your highest point. Move them apart quickly so you can catch yourself to land on the floor.

  • 6

    Squat Bicycle Crunches

    This foodspring video shows you how to do squat bicycle crunches correctly.rnrnSquat bicycle crunches are a combination exercise that work the abs and legs at the same time. Stand with your feet a bit wider than hip-width apart and rest your fingertips on your temples. Start with a squat. As you come back up from the squat, bring your right knee upwards and bend to touch your left elbow to your right knee. Then do another squat. As you come back up, bring your left knee to your right elbow.

  • 7


    This foodspring video shows you how to do a plank correctly. Start on your stomach. Put your hands close to your upper body, right under your shoulders. Point your fingertips forward. Now push yourself up from the floor so your body is in a push-up position. Your neck is straight, as if it’s an extension of your spine. Your shoulders, core and glutes should all form a straight line. Keep your eyes relaxed and looking at the space between your hands. It’s important to keep your glutes tight, pull your belly button in towards your back, and push your heels away from yourself.

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Workout Overview

max. 30 min