5 Workouts You Can Do When the Weather’s Bad

No equipment? Don't worry: all you need are your sneakers.
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We’ve all been there: it’s pouring down outside and all you want to do is stay at home, snuggle up under a blanket and skip your workout. There’s a distinct lack of motivation at times, especially when the nights draw in. Staying motivated every day is unrealistic, so the trick is to make training a habit and to do it on a regular basis, even when a storm’s raging outside. We’ve prepared 5 workouts for you that won’t require going to a gym, to bring some variety into your training routine.

Read more: 11 fitness professionals share their insider tips for more motivation.

#1 Couch Workout

There’s nothing better in the evening than becoming one with your couch and watching your favorite TV series, right? But your beloved sofa can do more than that: it can also be used for training. Admittedly, you can’t do our workout sitting down and you’ll have to get up from the sofa. But you’ll enjoy a full-body workout from the comfort of your own home, so be prepared for lunges, push-ups and more! You won’t need any equipment and you can even do this barefoot.

#2 Core Workout

Strong core muscles not only look good, they also stabilize every movement you make, such as when you sprint, pick up a heavy box from the floor or lift weights in the gym. That’s why basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts and pull-ups train your core muscles when you perform these exercises. Your core also supports you in other activities such as running, rowing, hiking and skiing. Core workouts are also quick and efficient and there’s no equipment needed.

#3 Partner Fitness Challenge

There’s a reason why they say “a problem shared is a problem halved”. Grab your workout buddy for our Partner Challenge. No equipment required! Maybe your workout partner is already sitting next to you at home, or perhaps you can meet up online so no one has to leave the house. This workout focuses on competition, so get ready to go up against one another! Burpees, squat jumps and lots of fun await you. Click the link above to learn more about partner workouts. Who will come out on top?!

#4 Jump Rope Workout

Skipping may look easy, but it’s exhausting for both body and mind. It builds stamina, footwork, responsiveness and coordination like no other training tool. Plus, according to a study published in the International Journal of Sports, Physiology and Performance, plyometric exercises (like skipping) also improve your performance in other sports like running.

#5 HILIT Workout

Not feeling like a jump rope session? High intensity low impact training is a short and effective workout that doesn’t involve jumping, but provides a gentle joint workout. This workout is perfect if you’re getting back into training after an injury, want to avoid skipping, or if a classic HIIT workout is still too technically challenging and you want to optimize exercise performance. Just like HIIT, you train in intervals (i.e. you alternate between exercise and recovery). You’ll need a mini band and two light weights (or water bottles) for our workout.

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