Valentine’s Special: A couple workout for you and your loved one

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Working out with a partner is twice the fun. That’s why we’ve created a special Couple Workout for you and your significant other. Download your home workout plan for free!

What Is a Couple Workout?

Couple workouts are training sessions where you exercise together with your partner. Normally you would just do all your sets of push ups in parallel, for example, or maybe take turns. But not with our home workouts! Here you use your training partner and their body weight during the exercise either for support or to make it even harder.

Want to up the difficulty even more? Combine it with HIIT, Tabata, circuit training, or functional training.

Our tip: Worn out your muscles? Instead of negating your progress with a beer, treat yourself to a protein shake to kick off your muscle recovery. Our delicious Whey Protein and some water is all you need.

Check out our Whey Protein

Why Should I Train With a Partner?

It’s always fun to work out with a partner. With a little imagination, there’s plenty of opportunities for partner exercises to challenge a new muscle group. With a couples workout, you train not only your strength and endurance, but also your body awareness in a completely different way.

In a partner workout exercise, you need to constantly adjust to your partner and adapt your movements. This improves your coordination and creates trust between you and your partner.

A white woman jumps rope while a man with curly brown hair does a box jump in a gym. They appear to be doing a couple workout of different activities.

What Should I Pay Attention To?

If the workout program is new to you and your partner, it’s better to try the movements slowly at first as part of your warm-up. For example, when you jump over your partner, you both need to make sure you can execute the move without landing on each other.

The best thing about couples workouts? After a strenuous session, you and your partner can give each other a massage to loosen up or relax your muscles again.

Afterwards, grab a tasty Protein Bar to provide your muscles with energy and a solid serving of protein to meet your fitness goals.

Partner Workout Exercises

Each partner does two sets. Switch partners between each set. You will do a total of four sets between the two of you.

Partner Jumping Lunges

Trains:Legs and balance
Execution tips:Try to always land with your knees in line with your toes.

Partner Leg Throwdown

Trains:Core muscles + hip flexors
Execution tips:The standing partner lightly pushes the feet of the lower partner toward the floor. They need to quickly tense their abs to slow down their legs and not rely too much on their hands.

Tuck Jump over Partner

  • Shoulder stability for the person in plank position
  • Lower body, belly, shoulders and coordination for the jumper
Execution tips:Support yourself lightly with your hands on the person in plank position. But make sure it’s only minimal pressure.

Pistol Squats with Help

Trains:Legs and balance
Execution tips:This puts a high strain on your knee on the one leg at a time that is active. Only do as many reps as you can manage easily in order to minimize injury.


Trains:Shoulder stability, coordination
Execution tips:Tense your abs to minimize the strain on your lower back.

Partner Sit-Ups with Clap

Trains:Abs and hip flexors
Execution tips:Keep your back as straight as possible throughout the whole exercise

A New Workout Routine

For Valentine’s Day, and just because it’s fun, we’ve come up with a fresh workout challenge for you both to work not only on your full body strength, but also on your cohesion and communication.

Download the plan here


  • Couple workouts are fun and increase your connection.
  • They open up more possibilities for exercises and modifications.
  • Working out with a partner helps increase your own body awareness.

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