Newbies Full-Body HIIT for Strength & Conditioning

Just starting your fitness journey? This five-move routine is a great base for newbies who want to ease themselves in gently.
icon max. 30 min

Just starting your fitness journey? This five-move routine is a great base for newbies who want to ease themselves in gently.


This full-body HIIT workout is perfect for starting your strength and conditioning journey.

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is one of the most popular and effective training methods. Not only does it burn fat; it also challenges your muscles. High-intensity exercise phases (30 seconds) alternate with recovery phases (30 seconds). After each round you can take up to 2 minutes to recover. Repeat the full set of exercises 3-4 times.

If the beginner burpees or the knee push-ups are too easy for you, you can switch them out for basic burpees and classic push-ups. Always make sure that your exercise is clean and controlled and keep your body under tension.

Warm up well before you start training! Have fun with our workout.

  • 1

    Beginner Burpees

    This foodspring video shows you how to do beginner burpees correctly. Burpees are a workout for the whole body and are one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises. Beginner burpees are a simplified form of these. They leave out the jump and the plank position. However, this doesn’t make the exercise any less difficult.

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    This foodspring video shows you how to do sit-ups correctly. The classic exercise for your abs! Lie on your back with your knees bent and in the air. Rest your fingers on your temples. Now use the power of your core muscles to pull your upper body upwards. Don’t swing yourself upwards with momentum, and don’t move your arms or head along with your abs.

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    Floor Hyperextensions

    This foodspring video shows you how to do floor hyperextensions correctly. This version, lying on your stomach to work your lower back, is a good place to start for beginners. Lie on your stomach and rest your toes on the floor. Fold your arms and lay your head on your hands. Now lift your upper body off of the floor, then gently lower it back to the floor.

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    Knee Push-Ups

    This foodspring video shows you how to do knee push-ups correctly. This easy exercise is especially good for beginners, as it puts about 50% less weight on the upper body and arms. The most important thing is to follow the same rules as for classic push-ups. Make sure you keep your back, abs, and glutes tight the whole time.

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    Jumping “Rope”

    This foodspring video shows you how to jump “rope” correctly. Jumping rope without the actual jumprope! It’s a full-body workout for your muscles, your cardiovascular system and your endurance too. Keep your upper body upright and your arms drawn in close to your body. Use your hands to spin your imaginary “rope” and take a small jump every time it “lands” on the floor. Keep your knees slightly bent.

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Workout Overview

max. 30 min