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Recovery Aminos

The drink that brings your muscles back to life.

4.51/5 551 Reviews


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1x (0.4kg)
Total price incl. VAT, plus shipping costs

£1.50/1 Shake
20 portions

This product has been bought 502 times during the last week
This product has been bought 960 times in the last 2 weeks

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32.99€ 750g (43.99 €/1kg)
32.99€ 480g (68.73 €/1kg)
34.99€ 480g (87.48 €/1kg)

Plant-based BCAAs for your muscles

Vegan L-Glutamin for your post workout

Carbohydrates from maltodextrin and dextrose for quick energy recuperation

Free of artificial flavors

Top customers' reviews



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A post workout that works-out as hard as you.

A post workout that works-out as hard as you.

You did the tough part. So we'll make getting the most out of your workout easy. Our post workout contains L-glutamine and BCAA aminos for rebuilding, plus fast-acting maltodextrin and dextrose carbohydrates. That means replenishing your nutrient levels, allowing for muscle recovery¹, and minimizing downtime between exercise routines. Because post workout recovery means next-workout performance.

  • Post workout recovery¹
  • BCAAs and carbohydrates after your workout
  • 6.6 grams of L-Glutamin per portion
Everything you need post workout. Nothing you don’t.

Everything you need post workout. Nothing you don’t.

Recovery Aminos bring your post workout to the next level: Not only through our premium ingredients, but also through the efficiency in which the ingredients are delivered. After an intense workout, Recovery Aminos help counteract the decrease in L-Glutamine levels in your body. Each scoop also contains amino-acid rich BCAAs in the 2:1:1 ratio—the optimal effective rate for absorption.

Recovery Aminos are perfect for you if:

  • you want a refreshing post workout drink.
  • you want to replenish your energy in preparation for your next workout.
  • you want to supply your body with the amino-acid building blocks L-Glutamine and BCAAs.

¹ Carbohydrates contribute to the recovery of normal muscle function (contraction) after highly intensive and/or long-lasting physical exercise leading to muscle fatigue and the depletion of glycogen stores in skeletal muscle.

Info (Recovery Aminos - Wild Berries)

Food supplement with free amino acids. With sugar and sweetener. Contains 20 servings.


L-glutamine (33%), dextrose, maltodextrin, L-leucin (9.9%), acidulant (citric acid), L-isoleucin (5.0%), L-valine (5.0%), natural flavoring, pomegranate extract (3.3%), food coloring (beetroot powder, turmeric), ginger extract powder (1.3%), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), sweetener (steviol glycoside), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin), sunflower oil
May contain traces of gluten, eggprotein and milk (incl. lactose).


Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily amount. Keep the product out of reach of small children.

Nutritional values per 100gper 20g
Energy1604 kJ / 377 kcal 321 kJ / 75 kcal
Fat0.6g 0.1g
of which saturated fatty acids <0.1g 0g
Carbohydrates34 g 6.8g
of which sugars 21g 4.2g
Protein 53g 11g
Salt<0.01g 0.0g
Amino acids per 100g per 20g
L-Glutamine 33g 6.6g
BCAAs* 20 g 4.0g
L-Leucine 9.9g2.0g
L-Isoleucine 5.0g 1.0g
L-Valine 5.0g 1.0g
*Branched chain amino acids 2:1:1 (L-leucine:L-isoleucine:L-valine)

Just 3 steps to the right recovery

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1. Add 1 measuring spoon of Recovery Aminos Powder (approx. 20g) to 400ml of water.

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2. Shake well. Until the powder has completely dissolved.

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3. Drink right after a workout. Then relax.


4.51 / 5
551 Reviews

100% genuine reviews

1 - 10 of 551 Reviews


Sehr lecker und erfrischend

Ich kaufe diese Aminosäuren schon länger Ich nehme Sie nach einem intensiveren Training zu mir und ich habe kaum Muskelkater (ich dehne auch gut) denk schon das es meinen Muskeln gute Nährstoffe gibt Geschmacklich sehr lecker und leichte schärfe durch den Ingwer - aber ich mag das.
Flavour: Wild Berries


Tolles Produkt, aber…

Ein absolut tolles und wirkungsvolles Produkt. Ich mag auch den Waldbeergeschmack, allerdings, wie andere Rezensenten auch schreiben, ist die Ingwernote sehr dominant und auch scharf auf der Zunge bzw. im Abgang. Vielleicht kann man hier nachbessern.
Flavour: Wild Berries


My favorite foodspring product

Delicious and truly caring of my recovery after tough workouts
Flavour: Wild Berries


Al gusto ci si abitua…

Ammetto che la prima volta che l’ho provato ho avuto molta difficoltà a finirlo, lo zenzero è molto forte e brucia la gola e il gusto del melograno si sente a tratti. Pian piano però ci si abitua al gusto ed è raccomandabile berlo con dell’acqua ghiacciata e non a temperatura ambiente il sapore diventa più fresco e per chi ha difficoltà più bevibile. Consigliato!
Flavour: Pomegranate


Orange mit Mineralwasser trinken :)

Die Geschmacksrichtung Orange mit Mineralwasser gemischt und gekühlt getrunken ist wirklich gut! Nicht so sehr künstlich, wie andere Geschmacksrichtungen :)
Flavour: Wild Berries


Bon produit

Goût assez relevée pour le boire, mais fait les effets attendue après une séance !
Flavour: Wild Berries


Gout fruit rouge

Pas mal, peu voir pas de courbatures le lendemain d'une séance. Gout fruits rouges un peu trop acide mais c'est passable
Flavour: Wild Berries


Bon dans l'ensemble

Produit qui fait le travail. La solubilité est bonne. Un peu fort en gingembre et légérement acide mais pour le coup, j'aime plutôt bien. Cela donne un petit coup de peps après la scéance.
Flavour: Wild Berry

Umberto Vezzoli


Fanno il loro lavoro, la differenza tra prenderli e non prenderli dopo allenamento è palese, basta provare ad alzarsi dal letto il giorno dopo per sentirla. Anche il sapore è buonissimo, molto meglio dei soliti gusti troppo dolci. Consigliati.
Flavour: Wild Berry


Ottimo prodotto!!

Prendo i ricovery aminos dopo allenamenti che durano 2 ore o più, ti rimettono al mondo, gusto arancio il mio preferito! Molto buono anche i frutti di bosco
Flavour: Orange

Frequently Asked Questions

What is L-Glutamine and why is it important for your routine?
L-glutamine is not essential and can theoretically be formed by the body itself. However, at high training intensity or high stress load, L-glutamine levels can drop down. Therefore, supplementation with L-glutamine can make sense, especially after intense training sessions.
How did you make your post-workout formula so clean?
It’s simple. We want your workouts to be successful, but we don’t want to damage your body. That’s why we looked at exactly what your body needs for post-workout. Lucky for you, we discovered the absolute best and cleanest recovery formula.
Whey Shake or Recovery Aminos? Which is better?
Whey protein is your perfect everyday protein source. You can even drink a Whey Shake as a snack in between meals. However, if you want to step up your game and really push your workout to the limit, we recommend our Recovery Aminos right after you’re done with training for the day. And the Whey? You can continue to drink it whenever you usually would. But please remember to always drink plenty of water (min. 3 liters per day).
How do I make sure I’m getting the serving size right? Is there a measuring spoon?
Yes! Each tub includes a measuring spoon to ensure you get the right dosage of our Energy and Recovery Aminos every time. Can’t find it? Sometimes it can get buried in the powder during transport. Take another look!
Will Recovery Aminos help prevent my muscles from feeling sore?
Your muscles feel sore because your muscles suffer from small tears during your workouts. This is completely normal. What’s most important is that you prepare your muscles as well as possible for your next training session. Aside from our BCAAs, you can also use heat treatments or light massages to prevent sore muscles.
Protein Bar
Protein Bar
Delicious, high quality protein to go.
  • 33% protein per bar
  • Low-carb & high in protein
  • No artificial flavourings
Energy Aminos
Energy Aminos
Workout smarter. Workout harder.
  • The pre-workout pick-me-up
  • Low sugar, big flavour
  • With caffeine, piperine, and vitamins
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