Your 30-Day Booty Workout for Strong Glutes

Say goodbye to lazy glutes!
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Frau steht auf einem Bein und bringt den Oberkörper parallel zum Boden © foodspring

Are you up for a new challenge? Then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve prepared a 30-day booty workout program for you that you can do both at home and at the gym. All you need are two dumbbells!

Why is this challenge worth taking on? Having strong glutes has many benefits for your health. If your gluteal muscles are too weak, other muscles often have to compensate for the lack of strength. This can lead to strain, injury, or poor posture. For example, a study by the European Spine Journal found that in subjects who suffered from chronic lower back pain, the medial gluteal muscle was weaker compared to the healthy control group.

Your glutes also play an important role in everyday life. They support you when walking, standing, or climbing stairs. All good reasons to strengthen your glutes. So throw on your gym clothes, grab our Energy Aminos, and you’re ready to go!

30-Day Booty Workout Program: How It Works

The great thing about our Booty Workout: you’ll be stronger after day 30 than on day 1! We know that not everyone has a whole set of dumbbells at home to constantly increase the load. But there are many ways to make the most of this routine. With our training plan, you will increase the number of reps over time and start to work in more challenging exercise variations. This way, you don’t necessarily have to reach for heavier dumbbells and can still increase progressively.

30-Day Booty Workout as PDF

This is how to use our training plan:

  • Number of reps and sets: 3×10 glute bridges means that you do a total of 3 sets of this exercise with 10 reps per set. After a set, you can take 60 to 90 seconds of rest before hitting the next one.
  • Rest days: On these days you should let your body rest. Your muscles need recovery time to get stronger. On your rest days, you can still stay active and work your upper body, do some cardio, or try out mobility exercises to compensate.
  • The correct execution: You’ll find the corresponding photo for each exercise in the PDF. If you click on the picture, you’ll be forwarded to the video with the exercise (including description).
  • Customize your training: Just starting out? Welcome! Use lighter dumbbells (or two water bottles) or skip the weights altogether. Listen to your body and only increase the intensity when you can perform all reps cleanly. Have a bit more experience? Use more weight, do more reps, or complete 4 sets per exercise instead of 3.
  • Don’t forget the warm-up! Warm up for at least 10 minutes before each training session. Learn how to warm up at home or in the gym here.
  • Have your water bottle handy. It’s important that you drink enough during your workout.

30-Day Booty Workout: These exercises await you

As you’ve already learned, the muscles that shape your backside have many different jobs. That’s why we’ve chosen our workouts to include both hip extension and abduction (spreading the leg away from the body), as well as exercises with both vertical loads (lunges, deadlifts) and horizontal loads (glute bridges, hip thrusts). This will ensure that you work all of the glutes and cover the major movement patterns —  and make your workout powerfully effective.

Accept our Booty Challenge? Great! Here you’ll find an overview of all the exercises that will be coming your way in the next 30 days. Video, description, and modifications all included. Have fun! Let’s get those glutes burning.

Alternating Reverse Lunges

Lunges are a complex exercise and require not only your lower body to maximize its power, but also your core muscles for stabilization. Here, you should alternate which leg you’re lunging back with.

Muscles: thighs, glutes

Easier: leave out the weights.

Harder: Increase the number of reps.

Note: Keep your upper body upright and your front knee in line with the front foot.

Reverse Lunges

With these reverse lunges, unlike the alternating reverse lunges, you perform all reps with one leg first before switching legs. This keeps the leg under tension longer, which will make the exercise feel more intense.

Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squats are a more difficult variation of classic lunges. To do these, place your back leg on an elevated surface, like a bench behind you. This increases the amplitude of movement.

Muscles: thighs, glutes

Easier: leave out the weights or do a classic lunge.

Harder: Increase time under tension: first go low, then only halfway up, lower again, and only then straighten up completely.

Note: Keep your hips straight and your front knee in line with your foot.

Glute Bridge

Glute bridges are great for beginners. Place one or both dumbbells on your pelvis and hold them with both hands.

Muscles: Glutes, back of thighs, back extensors.

Easier: Leave out the weights.

Harder: Do more reps or perform the exercise with one leg.

Note: Your back should stay straight. Keep your heels on the floor.

Single Leg Glute Bridge

This one-legged version of the glute bridge requires more balance and stability.

Muscles: Glutes, back extensors, back of thighs.

Easier: Leave out the weights or rest your top leg on your other knee.

Harder: Do more reps.

Note: Your back should stay straight. Keep your heels on the floor.

Hip Thrust

Like glute bridges, hip thrusts focus on hip extension. Place your shoulder blades on an elevated surface to increase the amplitude of movement and intensify the exercise.

Muscles: Glutes, back of thighs, back extensors.

Easier: Leave out the weights.

Harder: Do more reps or perform the exercise with one leg.

Note: Fully extend your hips and tilt your pelvis back.

Our secret tip: Keep your chin down and look forward instead of up. This makes it easier for you to tilt your pelvis back and keep your back straight.

Single Leg Hip Thrust

Easier: Decide on the B-position variation. Place the right leg slightly forward on the heel. The left foot is fully planted. Work from the left standing leg, while the right leg serves only for stabilization. Then switch sides.

Harder: Do more repetitions.

Note: For the one-legged version of the Hip Thrusts, place your feet closer together and centered.

Romanian Deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is basically a hip flexion with weights. It differs from the classic deadlift in that the knees aren’t bent, but actually stay semi-extended the entire time.

Muscles: Back extensors, glutes, back of thighs.

Easier: fewer reps.

Harder: Do more reps or perform the exercise with one leg.

Notice: Start the movement by pushing your hips back. Keep your back straight and slide the dumbbells along your thighs toward your shins.

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

This challenging variation calls for more balance

In the standing balance, one leg carries the entire weight. In addition, your balance and deep muscles are challenged.

Muscles: Back extensors, glutes, back of thighs.

Easier: Hold onto a sturdy chair with one hand for balance. In your other hand, hold a dumbbell.

Harder: Complete more repetitions or sets.

Note: Watch your back leg and turn your toes towards the floor. Your supporting leg should be slightly bent.

Side Lying Hip Abduction

Hip abduction exercises primarily target the upper part of the glutes. A strong, mid-gluteal muscle has both visual and functional perks and keeps your hips strong.

Muscles: Abductors (middle and small gluteus, piriformis muscle).

Easier: drop the weight.

Harder: Increase the range of motion. Lie on the end of a bench or couch so your working leg has a full range of motion and you can go even lower.

Note: Turn the top of your foot towards the floor and keep your pelvis straight.


Muscles: Abductors

Easier: drop the weight.

Harder: Do more reps or add a resistance band.

Note: Your hips should stay stacked and your feet together.

Side Lying Hip Raise

Muscles: Abductors

Easier: opt for clamshells.

Harder: Do more reps or add a resistance band.

Note: As you come up, extend your hips forward and at the same time make an abduction (spreading) motion with your legs.

Remember to cool down after your workout and treat yourself to our Recovery Aminos. So that you give 100% again at the next workout!

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